Bond’s Favorite Car famed Top on the UK’s List of Coolest Brands

Last year, Aston Martin was featured in the film “Casino Royale” which starred actor Daniel Craig. It was then presumed a return to form for the long-running franchise. And, early this year, the legendary super-spy’s car was bought by a British-based consortium from U.S. auto giant Ford.
According to an article in, the Superbrands organization said that the film’s success had rekindled Britons’ love affair with Bond and showed “a deeply ingrained association with the man and the car.”
Well, let us just check on the complete lineup of top 20 Cool Brands:
- Aston Martin
- iPod
- YouTube
- Bang and Olufsen
- Playstation
- Apple
- Agent Provocateur
- Nintendo
- Virgin Atlantic
- Ferrari
- Ducati
- eBay
- Rolex
- Tate Modern
- Prada
- Lamborghini
- Green & Black's
- iTunes
- Amazon
Apple’s iPod music player grabbed the second spot, ahead of video Web site YouTube, hi-fi manufacturer Bang & Olufsen and search engine Google. Most of this years coolest are from the technology arena, including Playstation, Apple, Nintendo, iTunes and Amazon.
Also in the list are Italian motoring trio Ferrari, motorcycle maker Ducati and Lamborghini. Agent Provocateur, watchmaker Rolex, Fashion label Prada, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic airline also lined up.
The list has been a mirror of changing needs, wants and interests of people, CoolBrands Council chairman Stephen Cheliotis acclaimed. He said, “You could argue that it's split into two pretty clearly defined categories – on the one hand, things can become cool by virtue of their necessity or prevalence in your life, like Google, or Amazon… On the other, the things you really want, but may know you'll never get – like a Rolex; or a Ferrari – are considered just as cool…. There seems to be a real divergence between aspiration and practicality but both are deemed cool – which goes to show how the needs and desires of consumers are developing.”
Also in the list are Italian motoring trio Ferrari, motorcycle maker Ducati and Lamborghini. Agent Provocateur, watchmaker Rolex, Fashion label Prada, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic airline also lined up.
The list has been a mirror of changing needs, wants and interests of people, CoolBrands Council chairman Stephen Cheliotis acclaimed. He said, “You could argue that it's split into two pretty clearly defined categories – on the one hand, things can become cool by virtue of their necessity or prevalence in your life, like Google, or Amazon… On the other, the things you really want, but may know you'll never get – like a Rolex; or a Ferrari – are considered just as cool…. There seems to be a real divergence between aspiration and practicality but both are deemed cool – which goes to show how the needs and desires of consumers are developing.”
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