Honda’s Fourth-Generation Home Energy Station

HES IV is a product created under the continuation collaboration of Plug Power and Honda R&D Co., Ltd of Japan. They have been working on the Home Energy Station since 2003.
The fourth-generation Home Energy Station is a fuel cell system that is made to convert natural gas into hydrogen. While providing heat and electricity for residential use, the hydrogen can also be used to fuel a hydrogen-powered car.
The latest Home Energy Station will be representing the current evolution of the technology. Compared from its predecessor, the HES IV offers 70 percent reduction in size, making it even more suitable for household installation. Makers have also significantly optimized the efficiency. The HES could now utilize Plug Power’s innovative dual mode fuel cell stack technology that generates electricity in one mode of operation and acts as a hydrogen purifier on the other mode.
The dual mode stack technology has simplified the system architecture. It will mostly likely provide cost reductions and manufacturing efficiencies. This innovation helps keep the Home Energy Station and a stable hydrogen infrastructure closer to commercialization.
According to Plug Power Chief Marking Officer Mark Sperry, “As automotive fuel cell technology continues to improve, the need for a reliable hydrogen infrastructure becomes increasingly important. Before fuel cell vehicles can have any significant market penetration, there well need to be a viable solution to the inevitable refueling question… The Home Energy Station provides the means for vehicle owners to produce onsite hydrogen, as well as heat and power, in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.”
At this week’s Los Angeles Auto Show, Honda, a Japanese automaker and leader in automotive fuel cell technology, plans to bring their all-new FCW hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle on display.
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